Monday, February 9, 2015


Goal Setting
About DN Electricals

Success depends on the type of target You Set

Many people say they do not really set goals. I have a vague idea of ​​what should happen, what they want the future to look like. However, they have not put a plan in place to make a goal happen. He did not write anything down, no deadlines, concrete plan of action. It sounds like you or someone you know? The reality is that there are two options to choose from when it comes to targets that are intentional or unintentional about them. Whichever you choose, and whether you know it or not, there are still targets.

Success depends on the type of target You Set:

Deliberate aim. This type of goal that most people are familiar with the definition. This type of goal is specific and detailed. It is written down and a plan of action and a date for its completion. It includes information for further assistance and / or the skills and training that will be required. This is similar to the way the map shows the location of the pot of gold. You can look at this kind of goal, and it can reach to imagine they have a plan associated with it.

A random target. This is what happens when you are not specific about what you want to achieve or what they want the future to look like. The intentional object is a vague idea of ​​what "would be good." You might think or say something like. "It sure would be nice to get in shape" However, you never get any more detailed than fuzzy concept. I do not get any more specific, it is certainly not a time limit.

Whether intentional or unintentional targets, as shown spends time, what kind of goal you are working. Deliberate goal gives clear direction that will guide and direct behavior to a very special ending. Clarify the objectives of the deliberate purpose of the daily activities. Why is what you do. The deliberate aim dictates enjoying the rewards of focused effort and time. You do not need more hours in the day. I do not have a bit more time than the others. However, they are living in a time because they sound the time you have.

A random target the opposite effect. The results are random target fire after chasing life, spent a lot of energy, but achieve little like getting in the car and driving all cities, but never reached the goal. The accidental goal setter achieves little more than that during the day. Fire exercises between the two, their time dreaming of "someday" instead to make it happen.

3 things happen when you deliberately target:

The energy and focus behavior. Some people say it is better under pressure. What I really mean is that it works better if they could. Accompanied by a separate end result will ensure focus and accountability within the specified time frame. Have you ever heard the axiom of more work in the week before you go on vacation. The reason this is true is because the purpose of the deadline. As we focus all our energy and effort so, any outside activity had ceased. Can you imagine what you can do when you live every day in a concentrated? Every activity, every minute is aimed at a very specific end. I challenge you to a shorter work day actually, because every moment would be spent productively. It is a natural form of time management. When you develop targets around the priorities of these priorities will be the filter. You find yourself working only those tasks that advance to the desired outcome.

You seek than you would have otherwise. As W. Clement Stone once said: "We always aim to the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the stars." I am a BIG supporter of setting goals. It is possible, I will not hit them, but I always farther than I would have otherwise. When I first started running is not the world on fire with my speed and endurance. However, over the years focusing distance set goals for myself at the end of the street, around the block, 5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon and eventually a couple. Every time you set a goal of distance is not always finish in time to set, but is still closer than I would have otherwise.

You will learn perseverance and earn a sense of accomplishment. In the early years running, there were days that were not so great. I do not quite hit my goal, but I was persistent and tenacious in your quest. As more and more insistent, I have experienced the feeling of satisfaction that progress was visible. Every time I ran more than ever before, it was exciting. I could achieve. Mentally and emotionally I began to realize that I was capable of doing more than you would have ever thought, and breathed life into my soul. This feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment bled over into other areas of my life. I began to be more than I was before. Which has opened up a whole new world of opportunity for me. Simply because I set a goal, and he stepped forward.

Bottom line: You're going to spend your time doing something anyway. You might as well be intentional, so to achieve something of value. What area of ​​your life you do not want to see the results? How can you do today to deliberate goals and the future you want?

Neuroscience of Goal Setting

Henry Ford said: "The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can not be simultaneously true."

This has long been one of my favorites because it makes the fingers, fairly straight and a way of thinking than defining success, it is our responsibility to have a positive attitude when embarking on this project.

But with the right mindset is not the right steps to put it into action will not get us far in reality. This is where goal setting comes: it's important to us that the vision and positivity, but defining and achieving your goals really make it happen.

A number of interesting studies in neuroscience the power of goals, and we can use the results of our personal and professional lives.

Be specific

The more specific you are in your goals, the better. The "seeing" a broader view of the action steps to achieve goals should be clearly defined vision and a specific and logical order. Research shows that blurs the sharp edges of these goals can result in differences in the way you have to do to get there.

Do not stop - keep it or lack of!

Aims to focus the minds of specific tasks. But I need that spiritual strength and endurance that is when the inevitable setbacks occur. This is where the "can-do" positivity coming - if you let it get to you by knocking on her back, set doubts, and you might start experiencing an internal conflict that must be provided or continued. Studies have shown that this may lead to production of the stress hormone cortisol, which the brain respond to a threat. This can cause you to abandon your goals - so beware!

The brain directs us Goals

If goals have been introduced and have a positive attitude to achieve them, our brain to produce dopamine, the neurotransmitter that. One study showed that animals as the target gets closer to the signal of dopamine increases, suggesting that neuroscientists that acts as an internal management mechanism in order to reach your goals. Hopefully, out-muscle, cortisol!

Share goals will help you achieve them

We are essentially social animals. Research has shown that once you have integrated goals and convince themselves that they were made, the more they give, the more likely you will achieve. It would also mean that you want to write, share with friends and family, and having others to follow the progress.

Set Free Your Mind For Success

Set your mind free allows the built-in success mechanism takes over and then on the road that leads to the fulfillment of the goal. To achieve this, much less complicated that can be imagined.

The basic formulation

I'm assuming you found what your goals are, and describes in great detail, in the present tense and read them every day. You agree that your image something for both the comments of others, both positive and negative, throughout your entire life, and was so deeply embedded in the sense that they make up a picture of yourself.

My picture

You're like most of us, living in the restrictions that you impose your own image. This means that the negative aspects of preventing his own image, to achieve your goals. You are, to some extent, become your own worst enemy!

You might not be ready to admit it, but there are aspects of personality that I have come to accept the undeniable fact. Persons authorities, parents, teachers, friends, employers and relatives also expressed the opinion that it is not good for the sport. Trying to play the sport, and on that occasion, do not do too well. Most of the negative comments also confirms the belief of lack of athleticism even more deeply etched in the subconscious.

I guarantee that at least one subject in school that you do not enjoy what might have been, as a result of the teacher, that just is not in touch with, and yet, later in life, you have discovered that you could understand, and even enjoy as well.

So how do you go about setting your mind free?

Reading, if only half an hour a day, the right books is a must. I do not know if this article is to provide truth in the whole process, but I can offer what is, in my opinion, the best book on the subject. This is "The New Psycho-Cybernetics" Maxwell Maltz, life changing content, really. You will learn that no amount of past mistakes and that you can change your self-image in the right time is shorter than you might think possible.

You should also listen to audio or video presentations that help reinforce Maltz's ideas. It's the master, Bob Proctor.

I promise you that you'll be above aware of change in just thirty days. As the world changes, and this effect seems to change for the better.

To move forward

Having freed the minds of the baggage has been pulling for decades, the subconscious, the information can be objectives that have been burned into it, work out a plan that will allow you to desire to achieve success. Never try to consciously work out how to realize your dreams, the subconscious will do that for you, but keep your goals in the forefront of your mind forever, and in particular the presentation of a new life.

I speak from personal experience when I say that the technique that outlined above is well and diligently applied, can make a difference to the health, prosperity and happiness, it would be hard to believe today.

Adjust the open and trust in the new step on the road that leads to the successful implementation of even the wildest dreams mind.

Thinking of Going Freelance? Here's how to succeed

Even if you have been working in the field have always dreamed it would be, it's only natural that you might still dreams on. As a business man himself is part of the American dream and getting bigger and bigger part of the Internet, how we live our lives, it's never been easier to strike out on their own.

However, it is important to realize that going to the freelancer will not mean that the clear as far as professional barriers. In fact, you may find yourself facing a number of challenges that will likely never saw coming. Let's examine how you can make sure that they're not the problem.

Detailed targets.

Even if you plan to run the new freelance business a home, it is still important to treat it as a business. This means defining clear goals for yourself, as much to be desired, and if so, when. For example, decides on the final numbers as far as what you are hoping that next year, and what kind of clientele it hopes to work with. Then, the calculation of the work, how much work will have to assume (and by whom) in order to reach your goals. If you need to, you can hire a business consultant to help you with this step.

Learn the art of self-discipline.

One of the biggest challenges many new freelancers learning how to be your own boss. No one will consider over your shoulder at all times making sure that you get everything done that you need and meet deadlines. It's up to you and only you, so get used to it, be sure to stick to a rigid work schedule. It is also important to make sure that you give yourself quite a challenge to go out of the comfort zone is established and blaze new trails, to the success of your business.

Keep your skills up to date.

Even if you are a freelancer, it's important to make sure that you keep your skills up to date as far as possible. Subscribe to magazines, blogs and websites that cover news and issues that are related to your industry and make it a point to read them regularly. We're always looking for new skills, you can pick it up and look for ways you can brush up on old ones. You and your business must always evolving with the times and the changing needs of clientele.

Do not neglect your personal life.

Some fine freelancers stay at the top of professional football, but loses the ball when it comes to self-care and therefore sufficient time for your personal life. That said, it is important to make sure you take enough time to work with the rest, pressure, and spend time with people and activities you love. Together, during normal working hours and days two days off a week, just like any other job. Not only will you be healthier, but your customers will be happier with the quality of work as well!

3 steps to achieve goals in life

3 steps to achieve goals in life

If you are not satisfied with the current status and achieve goals in life. If the situation seems to remind you of the carousel, to achieve your goals in life. If you are serious about doing something you have never done before, to achieve your goals in life.

Achieving goals in life is a sure way of moving forward and changing circumstances. This is one of the most important action steps to help you get unstuck and get back in the game of life again. You can gain an education goals, but no, you've just gotten smarter. You can stay in touch with distant relatives in a huge inheritance, but no goals, you and your money will soon be gone. You can connect to the right people at the right time, but if no goals when it comes to their presence, then you may not know what questions to ask. No matter what your life was when found, without goals, all of it could be gone in a matter of a short time.

Finding out what is really important for you is essential. We should never underestimate the value of taking the time to do so. Set aside some time to dream or imagine a great way to get it done. Finding a time to dream is not complicated, just find the best time of day to do so. The atmosphere should be one that is peaceful and comfortable, a place where your mind will be the least disturbed.

Taking the time to find out what is really important to you, do not be intense or overwhelming. I'm not talking about something so deep as to find out the reason for its existence. It can be as simple as knowing you want to experience such a loss or increase in productivity.

To achieve goals in life are three basic steps. The first step is to set your goals. This comes after a process that you have decided what you want to do. Setting goals is something like the writing direction. This is the map that you know where you want to go. Write down the ideas you think if you take action, the way to success.

The second step is to have a strategy. The strategy comes after you write the instructions, you have to choose which is the best path to take. For example, if you wanted to go to Niagara Falls, the best way to go, it depends on where you are from. So, the second step of the strategy, but vital.

The third step in the implementation of this strategy. To access this strategy in action? Will you do something every day? Then you need to take a big step and can be done in three steps? The implementation of the strategy is just as important as one.

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